There should be a form allowing you to submit your information, but unfortunately it's not currently working, so instead please email with the following details (* indicates required information):
(*) Event title: (eg Dunedin Summer Dance)
(*) Event style: (Scottish Country/Ceilidh/Highland/Reeling/Scottish Music/Other)
(*) Date(s): (eg. Saturday 7th June, 2001 or Friday 11th-Sunday 13th April, 2003)
(*) Times: (eg. 7:30 to 11:30)
(*) Venue: (eg. Cluny Church Centre, Cluny Drive, Edinburgh.)
(*) Band/Music: (eg. Sandy Nixon's Band)
(*) Price:
Organising group: (eg Dunedin Dancers)
Refreshments provided: (eg Finger buffet) - if none, please leave blank.
Dress: (eg Semi-formal)
(*) Contact:
For example,
Joe MacBloggs,<br>
Flat 3F2, 123 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3MC
<strong>Tel:</strong>(+44) (0)131 456-7890
If you send in addresses or phone numbers as
contacts for your dances, please ensure that
you have the permission of the people concerned. Remember this
information is accessible to anyone in the world, not just
your dancing society friends.
Any other details:
(*) Your name:
(*) Your e-mail address:
You will be sent confirmation to this address when the information is put in place.
Last updated 10-04-03 .
Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank