SOBHD Voluntary Code of Ethics
In this Code “Participants” shall mean dancers, teachers, judges, parents,
competition officials and
- Participants will display honesty, fairness and equality of
opportunity in all relationships.
- Participants will not engage in behavior which undermines the
status and esteem of Highland Dancing.
- Participants will maintain a high standard of personal behavior
with respect to dress, punctuality, preparation and contact
with other participants.
- Participants will recognize the authority of judges and other
officials and treat them with courtesy.
- Participants will treat all other participants with respect,
whether successful in competition or not.
- Participants will not discriminate between other participants
on the grounds of sex, ethnic background, religion or ability.
- Dancers will not be exposed to adverse public criticism.
- Participants should respect the competence of teachers and
judges and should not engage in public criticism.
- Participants will seek to ensure the well-being of the dancer
at all times.
- In particular, teachers will provide planned programs of
preparation and competition of all dancers. Their implementation
will recognize the safety and well-being of the dancers and
participants will recognize that the health of the dancer is
always more important than the competition results.
- Dancers should be encouraged to treat other dancers with respect,
whether successful in competition or not and to honor the rules
of the competition.
- Teachers will recognize a duty of confidentiality in their
relationships with dancers.
- Teachers will not compromise dancers by advocating an unfair
advantage or by seeking to persuade them to change teachers.
- Teachers/Judges will maintain their qualifications and expertise
and will not seek to fulfill a role for which they do not have
qualifications or expertise.
Extracted from postings to highland-dance, the highland and scottish step
dance mailing list.
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Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland