Take Five

A Scottish solo or duet dance, in highland style

Devised by Robert McOwen

This dance is performed to the tune "Pipes Awa'," composed by Barbara McOwen, which is in 5/4 time. Each bar of music is counted (12345), with intermediate half-beats represented by (1&2), and intermediate quarter-beats represented by (1 and & a 2). The directions are given for the solo version; suggested modifications for a duet follow.

Bars Step 1
1 Facing front, but travelling slightly to R, execute two brushes RF from 3rd aerial low to 4th int. aerial pos. while hopping twice LF (1 2), assemble RF in 3rd pos. (3), step RF fwd. of 2nd pos. (&), close LF in 3rd rear pos. (4), then disassemble onto RF extending LF to 4th int. aerial pos. (&), and hold (5).
Arms: 2nd pos. throughout, changing L to R between "4 &".
2 Repeat contra
3 Crossing RF in front of LF, rock fwd on RF (&) and back on LF (1) [these are "loose ankle" rocks as in the Sailor's Hornpipe], retiree skip back onto RF (& 2) extending LF to 2nd aerial low, execute one ground cut [as in the Sailor's Hornpipe] to R (and & a 3), step RF to 2nd pos. (&), close LF in 3rd rear pos. (4), place RF on heel towards 2nd pos. (&), close LF in 3rd rear pos. (5).
Arms: L arm in 2nd on (&1), then 3rd pos (2-5).
4 Break RF: Spring onto RF taking LF to 3rd rear aerial pos. but immediately extend LF to 2nd aerial (1), spring onto LF but immediately extend RF to 2nd aerial (2), assemble RF in 3rd pos (3), spread both feet to 2nd pos (&), jump onto both feat with LF in 3rd pos (4) [counts 3 &4 are an echappe in ballet], execute one entrechat finishing LF in 3rd pos. (5).
Arms--3rd pos. (1 2), 1st pos. (3 & 4 5).
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4 contra.

Bars Step 2
1 Prepare by extending RF to 2nd aerial pos (&), execute one bouree derriere with RF (1 & 2), execute one bourree derriere with LF (3 & 4), place RF on heel towards 2nd pos (&), and close LF in 3rd rear pos (5).
Arms--3rd pos. throughout.
2 Spring onto RF extending LF to 2nd aer. pos. (1), hold (&), cross LF over RF to execute pivot turn to R (2 & 3), two retiree skips onto RF (&4), and onto LF (&5).
Arms--5th pos. (1 & 2 & 3 &), 3rd pos. (& 4 & 5).
3 Repeat Bar 1
Arms--Circle out and down from 3rd to 5th pos. (1 & 2), circle out & up from 5th to 3rd pos. (3 & 4 & 5).
4 Break RF.
5-8 Repeat Bars 1-4 contra.

Bars Step 3
1 With 1/8 turn of body to R, execute one pas de basque on RF travelling diagonally back towards 2nd pos. (1 & 2), execute hop-brush-beat-beat with LF (& 3 & 4), execute one backstep with LF to face front with RF in 3rd aerial pos. (&), hold (5).
Arms--2nd pos. throughout, changing R to L between "4 &."
2 Hop & travel with RF fwd of 2nd pos. (1 & 2), execute one progressive highland travel step (a 3 & 4), lift LF to 3rd rear aerial (&), hold (5).
Arms--2nd pos. (1 & 2), 3rd pos.(a 3 & 4 & 5).
3 With a prepatory hop RF (&), beat LF in 3rd rear extending RF to 4th int. aerial pos. low (1), execute a shake RF to 4th int. aerial pos. and hop LF (& 2), quick balance movement RF (& 3), assemble RF in 3rd pos. (4), disassemble onto RF extending LF to 2nd aerial pos. (&), hold (5).
Arms-- 3rd pos.(& 1 & 2 & 3 & 4), 2nd pos. (&).
4 With a prepatory hop RF (&), step onto LF in 3rd pos. (1), shuffle RF to front (& a), beat RF in 3rd pos. (2), beat LF in 3rd rear pos. (&), hold (3), hop LF lifting RF through 3rd aerial pos. (&), pass RF to the back and step onto it in 3rd rear pos. (4), extend LF to 4th int. aerial pos. (&), and hop RF pointing LF in 3rd pos. (5). [This step has syncopated movements, reflecting the rhythm in the third part of the tune.]
Arms-- 1st pos.(1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5).
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4 contra.

Bars Step 4
1 With a prepatory extension of RF to 2nd aerial pos., hop LF taking RF to 3rd rear aerial pos. (1), place RF on heel in 2nd pos. (&), close LF in 3rd rear pos. (2), spring onto RF towards 2nd pos. and cross LF over RF for a pivot turn to R (3 & 4), during end of turn execute one back-step onto RF extending LF to 4th int. aerial position (&), hold (5).
Arms: 2nd pos. (1 & 2), 1st pos. (3 & 4), 2nd pos. (& 5).
2 Hop RF with highcut LF in 3rd aerial pos. (1 and), place LF on half-point fwd of 2nd pos. (&), close RF in 3rd rear pos. extending LF to 4th int. aerial pos. (2), assemble LF in 3rd pos. (3), step onto LF fwd of 2nd pos. (&), close RF in 3rd pos. (4), spring onto LF taking RF to 3rd aerial pos. (5). (Bar 2 may be used to travel L to pos. before Bar 1.)
Arms: 2nd pos. (1 & 2), 3rd pos. (3 & 4), 2nd pos. (5).
3 Repeat first four counts of Bar 1, then place RF on heel in fwd. of 2nd pos. (&), and close LF in 3rd rear pos. (5).
Arms: 2nd pos. (1 & 2), 1st pos. (3 & 4), 2nd pos. (& 5).
4 Break RF
5-8 Repeat contra, except modify last Break by replacing the assemble-spread-entrechat by: assemble LF in 3rd pos. (3), leap landing RF in 3rd pos. (4), hold (5).
Arms: 3rd pos. (1 & 2), 1st pos. (3 4 5).

ChordStep to R, bow, step to L, and close in 1st pos.

Suggestions for Duet:

Step 1: As in Twasome, dance this entire step with W on M's R, and nearer hands joined. (M may want to place LH on his hip, and W may hold skirt with her RH.)

Step 2: Begin Bar 1 as above (nearer H's joined on 1 & 2); but then M travels more to R (on 3 & 4 & 5) to finish behind W, changing H's to RH's joined and LH's joined. W alone dances Bar 2, M standing behind her, but assisting the turn by raising the joined H's above her head (and allowing the H's to slip past each other on 2 & 3), then lowering the H's to the sides again on the retiree skips (& 4 & 5). On Bar 3, M dances the first bourree behind W (1 & 2), then use the second bourree (taking small steps on 3 & 4 & 5) to finish on W's L again with nearer H's joined. Break is danced side by side as in Step 1. Repeat the choreography during the second half of the step.

Step 3: W dances first half of Step 3 (to R), as M stands still observing. Then M dances second half of Step 3 (to L), as W stands still observing; but W needs to walk over to join M on his R at the end of his solo, ready to start the next step with nearer H's joined.

Step 4: Dance with nearer H's joined, except for the turns when the H's are released briefly.

Finish the dance with nearer H's joined. Retain H's during bow/curtsey to the audience; then turn inward to face each other for a bow/curtsey, before exiting stage.

Devised by Robert McOwen,
Arlington, Mass.
October, 1994

Last modified 8-10-02 .

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