Popular dances
Compiled by Dianna Shipman
This update includes approximately 57 additional programs since the last
update in May 2000.
The list covers approximately the past two years; the numbers indicate the
number of times that the dance has either (1) appeared on a ball program,
(2) appeared on a social program or (3) been sent to me by dancers as their
personal favorites. Feel free to let me know if you spot any duplications
on the list or any corrections that need to be made on descriptions of
geographical locations. The group I lead in Houston is a social dance group
and I want to include as many dances as possible that our dancers may
encounter in their travels AND to include the dances that people enjoy the
most. For this reason, dancers' personal favorites are just as important to
me as the number of times the dances appear on ball programs or social
programs. The programs have either been sent to me or they were posted on
the Strathspey newsgroup or I found them on web sites. I hope you find the
list useful.
Feel free to vote for favorite dances if you haven't yet and/or to email copies
of programs your group has done in the last 18 mos. (if your group is not
already listed at the bottom of this email). It would be helpful if you put
the city, state and country on any emails sent.
Send emails to diannashipman@worldnet.att.net.
Sorted by frequency
- The Montgomeries' Rant (97)
- Mairi's Wedding (88)
- The Reel of the Royal Scots (63)
- J. B. Milne (57)
- Sugar Candie (57)
- Neidpath Castle (56)
- The Wild Geese (52)
- Shiftin' Bobbins (51)
- Irish Rover (50)
- The Deil Amang the Tailors (50)
- The Reel of the 51st Division (50)
- The Robertson Rant (50)
- The White Heather Jig (50)
- Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder (48)
- Postie's Jig (47)
- Hooper's Jig (46)
- The Sailor (44)
- A Trip to Bavaria (43)
- Maxwell's Rant (42)
- The Bees of Maggieknockater (42)
- The Gentleman (42)
- West's Hornpipe (42)
- Quarries' Jig (41)
- The Machine Without Horses (40)
- Follow Me Home (38)
- General Stuart's Reel (38)
- McDonald of the Isles (38)
- Flowers of Edinburgh (37)
- Gang the Same Gate (37)
- The Garry Strathspey (37)
- St. Andrew's Fair (36)
- Jubilee Jig (35)
- Miss Gibson's Strathspey (35)
- Miss Milligan's Strathspey (35)
- The Round Reel of Eight (35)
- The White Cockade (35)
- Monymusk (34)
- Mrs. Stewart's Jig (34)
- The Luckenbooth Brooch (34)
- Bratach Bana (33)
- Joie de Vivre (32)
- Muirland Willie (32)
- Silver Tassie (32)
- Polharrow Burn (31)
- The Duke of Perth (31)
- The Laird of Milton's Daughter (31)
- John of Bon Accord (30)
- The Frisky (30)
- The Wind on Loch Fyne (30)
- Tribute to the Borders (30)
- Waverley or Fergus McIver (30)
- Black Mountain Reel (29)
- Blooms of Bon Accord (28)
- Jennifer's Jig (28)
- John McAlpin (28)
- Starry Eyed Lassie (28)
- Australian Ladies (27)
- Cape Town Wedding (27)
- Duke of Atholl's Reel (27)
- The Saint John River (27)
- Byron Strathspey (25)
- Pelorus Jack (25)
- The Peat Fire Flame (25)
- Corn Rigs (23)
- Highland Rambler (23)
- Johnnie's Welcome Hame (23)
- The Dundee Whaler (23)
- The Happy Meeting (23)
- Music Makars (22)
- Seton's Ceilidh Band (22)
- The Duchess Tree (22)
- Light and Airy (21)
- Red House (21)
- Bonnie Stronshiray (20)
- Clutha (20)
- Mrs. Milne of Kineff (20)
- Roaring Jelly (20)
- Rose of the North (20)
- The Hamilton Rant (20)
- Belle of Bon Accord (19)
- Culla Bay (19)
- Gothenburg's Welcome (19)
- MacLeod's Fancy (19)
- Mrs. Macleod (19)
- Nurseryman (19)
- Swiss Lassie (19)
- College Hornpipe (18)
- Dashing White Sargeants (18)
- Glasgow Highlanders (18)
- Ladies' Fancy (18)
- Seann Truibhas Willichan (18)
- The Lea Rig (18)
- Autumn in Appin (17)
- Clansman, The (17)
- Davy Nick Nack (17)
- Fair Donald (17)
- Glasgow Country Dance (17)
- Kendall's Hornpipe (17)
- Margaret Parker's Strathspey (17)
- Plantation Reel (17)
- Rest and Be Thankful (17)
- Wisp of Thistle (17)
- Cadgers in the Canongate (16)
- Catch the Wind (16)
- Sauchie Haugh (16)
- The Minister on the Loch (16)
- Alison Rose (15)
- Butterscotch and Honey (15)
- Delvine Side (15)
- Miss Allie Anderson (15)
- The Braes of Breadalbane (15)
- Birks of Invermay (14)
- Blue Bonnets (14)
- Diamond Jubilee (14)
- Johnnie Walker (14)
- Whistling Wind (14)
- Cherry Bank Gardens (13)
- Dalkeith's Strathspey (13)
- Jessie's Hornpipe (13)
- Kelloholm Jig (13)
- Major Ian Stewart (13)
- Petronella (13)
- Rothesay Rant (13)
- The Triumph (13)
- Wee Cooper of Fife (13)
- Balgeddie Reel (12)
- Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel (12)
- Saint Bernard's Waltz (12)
- The Barmkin (12)
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh (12)
- Anniversary Reel (11)
- Argyll Strathspey (11)
- Earl of Mansfield (11)
- Espie McNab (11)
- Fireside Reel (11)
- Gay Gordons (11)
- Miss Hadden's Reel (11)
- None So Pretty (11)
- Schiehallion (11)
- Scotch Mist (11)
- Scottish Reform (11)
- The Cuckoo Clock (11)
- Cramond Bridge (10)
- Eightsome Reel (10)
- Glayva (10)
- Good Hearted Glasgow (10)
- Highlandman's Umbrella (10)
- Hollin Buss (10)
- Iona Cross (10)
- Joe MacDiarmid's Jig (10)
- Lady Sophia Lindsay (10)
- Moment of Truth (10)
- Rakes of Glasgow (10)
- Strip the Willow (10)
- The Express (10)
- The Flower of the Quern (10)
- Waltz Country Dance (10)
- Winding Road (10)
- Balmoral Strathspey (9)
- Bonnie Lass o' Bon Accord (9)
- Bridge of Nairn (9)
- Drumelzier (9)
- Gavin's Reel (9)
- It's Just for Fun (9)
- Mason's Apron (9)
- Mrs. McPherson of Inveran (9)
- Spiffin' (9)
- Staffin Harvest (9)
- The Flying Spur (9)
- The Hunting Horn (9)
- Up in the Air (9)
- Waltz (9)
- Barley Bree (8)
- Bonnie Anne (8)
- Cuillins of Skye (8)
- Duran Ranger (8)
- EH3 7AF (8)
- Ferla Mor (8)
- Flight of the Falcon (8)
- Let's Have a Ceilidh (8)
- Midnight Oil (8)
- Milton's Welcome (8)
- Old Nick's Lumber Room (8)
- Peggy Dewar (8)
- Royal Deeside Railway, The (8)
- Sandy O'er the Lea (8)
- Sleepy Maggie (8)
- The Buchan Eightsome Reel (8)
- The Last of the Lairds (8)
- The New Rigged Ship (8)
- The Rev. John MacFarlane (8)
- The Trysting Place (8)
- Weathercock (8)
- Wicked Willy (8)
- Wind that Shakes the Barley (8)
- 12 Coates Crescent (7)
- Adieu Mon Ami (7)
- Angus MacLeod (7)
- Bauldy Bain's Fiddle (7)
- Hamilton House (7)
- Lady Glasgow (7)
- Military Two Step (7)
- New Scotland Strathspey (7)
- Nice to See You (7)
- Nottingham Lace (7)
- Phantom Piper (7)
- Prince Charlie's Quickstep (7)
- Silver City (7)
- Strathglass House (7)
- The Moray Rant (7)
- The Periwig (7)
- The Pines of Pitlochry (7)
- Village Reel (7)
- Argyll's Fancy (6)
- Asilomar Romantic (6)
- Back to the Fireside (6)
- Baldovan Reel (6)
- Bob Campbell's Strathspey (6)
- Caddam Wood (6)
- Campbell's Frolic (6)
- Canadian Barn Dance (6)
- Dundee City Police (6)
- Ellie's Jig (6)
- Equilibrium (6)
- Fair Jenny's Jig (6)
- Fisherman's Reel (6)
- Foxhill Court (6)
- From Scotia's Shore We're Noo Awa' (6)
- Glasgow Lasses (6)
- Highland Fair (6)
- Maple Leaf Rant (6)
- Old Way of Killikrankie (6)
- Salmonfield Poacher (6)
- St. Columba's Strathspey (6)
- The Quaich (6)
- Thirteen Fourteen (6)
- Veleta (6)
Sorted by name
- 12 Coates Crescent: 7
- Adieu Mon Ami: 7
- Alison Rose: 15
- Angus MacLeod: 7
- Anniversary Reel: 11
- Argyll's Fancy: 6
- Argyll Strathspey: 11
- Asilomar Romantic: 6
- A Trip to Bavaria: 43
- Australian Ladies: 27
- Autumn in Appin: 17
- Back to the Fireside: 6
- Baldovan Reel: 6
- Balgeddie Reel: 12
- Balmoral Strathspey: 9
- Barley Bree: 8
- Bauldy Bain's Fiddle: 7
- Belle of Bon Accord: 19
- Birks of Invermay: 14
- Black Mountain Reel: 29
- Blooms of Bon Accord: 28
- Blue Bonnets: 14
- Bob Campbell's Strathspey: 6
- Bonnie Anne: 8
- Bonnie Lass o' Bon Accord: 9
- Bonnie Stronshiray: 20
- Bratach Bana: 33
- Bridge of Nairn: 9
- Butterscotch and Honey: 15
- Byron Strathspey: 25
- Caddam Wood: 6
- Cadgers in the Canongate: 16
- Campbell's Frolic: 6
- Canadian Barn Dance: 6
- Cape Town Wedding: 27
- Catch the Wind: 16
- Cherry Bank Gardens: 13
- Clansman, The: 17
- Clutha: 20
- College Hornpipe: 18
- Corn Rigs: 23
- Cramond Bridge: 10
- Cuillins of Skye: 8
- Culla Bay: 19
- Dalkeith's Strathspey: 13
- Dashing White Sargeants: 18
- Davy Nick Nack: 17
- Delvine Side: 15
- Diamond Jubilee: 14
- Drumelzier: 9
- Duke of Atholl's Reel: 27
- Dundee City Police: 6
- Duran Ranger: 8
- Earl of Mansfield: 11
- EH3 7AF: 8
- Eightsome Reel: 10
- Ellie's Jig: 6
- Equilibrium: 6
- Espie McNab: 11
- Fair Donald: 17
- Fair Jenny's Jig: 6
- Ferla Mor: 8
- Fireside Reel: 11
- Fisherman's Reel: 6
- Flight of the Falcon: 8
- Flowers of Edinburgh: 37
- Follow Me Home: 38
- Foxhill Court: 6
- From Scotia's Shore We're Noo Awa': 6
- Gang the Same Gate: 37
- Gavin's Reel: 9
- Gay Gordons: 11
- General Stuart's Reel: 38
- Glasgow Country Dance: 17
- Glasgow Highlanders: 18
- Glasgow Lasses: 6
- Glayva: 10
- Good Hearted Glasgow: 10
- Gothenburg's Welcome: 19
- Hamilton House: 7
- Highland Fair: 6
- Highlandman's Umbrella: 10
- Highland Rambler: 23
- Hollin Buss: 10
- Hooper's Jig: 46
- Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder: 48
- Iona Cross: 10
- Irish Rover: 50
- It's Just for Fun: 9
- J. B. Milne: 57
- Jennifer's Jig: 28
- Jessie's Hornpipe: 13
- Joe MacDiarmid's Jig: 10
- John McAlpin: 28
- Johnnie's Welcome Hame: 23
- Johnnie Walker: 14
- John of Bon Accord: 30
- Joie de Vivre: 32
- Jubilee Jig: 35
- Kelloholm Jig: 13
- Kendall's Hornpipe: 17
- Ladies' Fancy: 18
- Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel: 12
- Lady Glasgow: 7
- Lady Sophia Lindsay: 10
- Let's Have a Ceilidh: 8
- Light and Airy: 21
- MacLeod's Fancy: 19
- Mairi's Wedding: 88
- Major Ian Stewart: 13
- Maple Leaf Rant: 6
- Margaret Parker's Strathspey: 17
- Mason's Apron: 9
- Maxwell's Rant: 42
- McDonald of the Isles: 38
- Midnight Oil: 8
- Military Two Step: 7
- Milton's Welcome: 8
- Miss Allie Anderson: 15
- Miss Gibson's Strathspey: 35
- Miss Hadden's Reel: 11
- Miss Milligan's Strathspey: 35
- Moment of Truth: 10
- Monymusk: 34
- Mrs. Macleod: 19
- Mrs. McPherson of Inveran: 9
- Mrs. Milne of Kineff: 20
- Mrs. Stewart's Jig: 34
- Muirland Willie: 32
- Music Makars: 22
- Neidpath Castle: 56
- New Scotland Strathspey: 7
- Nice to See You: 7
- None So Pretty: 11
- Nottingham Lace: 7
- Nurseryman: 19
- Old Nick's Lumber Room: 8
- Old Way of Killikrankie: 6
- Peggy Dewar: 8
- Pelorus Jack: 25
- Petronella: 13
- Phantom Piper: 7
- Plantation Reel: 17
- Polharrow Burn: 31
- Postie's Jig: 47
- Prince Charlie's Quickstep: 7
- Quarries' Jig: 41
- Rakes of Glasgow: 10
- Red House: 21
- Rest and Be Thankful: 17
- Roaring Jelly: 20
- Rose of the North: 20
- Rothesay Rant: 13
- Royal Deeside Railway, The: 8
- Saint Bernard's Waltz: 12
- Salmonfield Poacher: 6
- Sandy O'er the Lea: 8
- Sauchie Haugh: 16
- Schiehallion: 11
- Scotch Mist: 11
- Scottish Reform: 11
- Seann Truibhas Willichan: 18
- Seton's Ceilidh Band: 22
- Shiftin' Bobbins: 51
- Silver City: 7
- Silver Tassie: 32
- Sleepy Maggie: 8
- Spiffin': 9
- St. Andrew's Fair: 36
- St. Columba's Strathspey: 6
- Staffin Harvest: 9
- Starry Eyed Lassie: 28
- Strathglass House: 7
- Strip the Willow: 10
- Sugar Candie: 57
- Swiss Lassie: 19
- The Barmkin: 12
- The Bees of Maggieknockater: 42
- The Braes of Breadalbane: 15
- The Buchan Eightsome Reel: 8
- The Cuckoo Clock: 11
- The Deil Amang the Tailors: 50
- The Duchess Tree: 22
- The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh: 12
- The Duke of Perth: 31
- The Dundee Whaler: 23
- The Express: 10
- The Flower of the Quern: 10
- The Flying Spur: 9
- The Frisky: 30
- The Garry Strathspey: 37
- The Gentleman: 42
- The Hamilton Rant: 20
- The Happy Meeting: 23
- The Hunting Horn: 9
- The Laird of Milton's Daughter: 31
- The Last of the Lairds: 8
- The Lea Rig: 18
- The Luckenbooth Brooch: 34
- The Machine Without Horses: 40
- The Minister on the Loch: 16
- The Montgomeries' Rant: 97
- The Moray Rant: 7
- The New Rigged Ship: 8
- The Peat Fire Flame: 25
- The Periwig: 7
- The Pines of Pitlochry: 7
- The Quaich: 6
- The Reel of the 51st Division: 50
- The Reel of the Royal Scots: 63
- The Rev. John MacFarlane: 8
- The Robertson Rant: 50
- The Round Reel of Eight: 35
- The Sailor: 44
- The Saint John River: 27
- The Triumph: 13
- The Trysting Place: 8
- The White Cockade: 35
- The White Heather Jig: 50
- The Wild Geese: 52
- The Wind on Loch Fyne: 30
- Thirteen Fourteen: 6
- Tribute to the Borders: 30
- Up in the Air: 9
- Veleta: 6
- Village Reel: 7
- Waltz Country Dance: 10
- Waltz: 9
- Waverley or Fergus McIver: 30
- Weathercock: 8
- Wee Cooper of Fife: 13
- West's Hornpipe: 42
- Whistling Wind: 14
- Wicked Willy: 8
- Winding Road: 10
- Wind that Shakes the Barley: 8
- Wisp of Thistle: 17
The listing is based on votes and dance programmes from the following sources. To get your
vote or programme(s) included in the listing, please mail
them to Dianna Shipman.
- Australia: Sydney,
- New Zealand: Auckland,
- New Zealand: Knox SCD Club,
- New Zealand: Lochiel SCD Club,
- New Zealand: North Shore Combined Clubs,
- New Zealand: St. Heliers SCD Club,
- New Zealand: Wellington,
- Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Montreal, Canada
- Ontario: Eastern Ontario, Canada
- Ontario: Ottawa, Canada
- Ontario: Peterborough, Canada
- Ontario: Toronto, Canada
- Ontario: Windsor, Canada
- Southern Ontario: Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada
- Victoria, Canada
- Bedfordshire, England
Durham-Newcastle area, northern England (courtesy of Martin Sheffield), England (new)
- East Sussex, Brighton, England
- East Sussex, Brighton & Hove SCDC Club, England
- East Sussex, Crowborough: Ashdown SCDS, England
- East Sussex, Eastbourne, England
- Greater London, Croydon Branch RSCDS, England
- Harrogate, Yorkshire, England
- Liverpool: RSCDS Liverpool Branch (Merseyside), England
- Surrey, Reigate Scottish Country Dance Club, England
- West Sussex, Crawley, England
- West Sussex, Glen Mor (Worthing) group, England
- West Sussex, Southwick SCDS, England
- Wiltshire, Salisbury, England
- France: Southeastern region, Europe
- Germany: Essen, Europe
- Germany: Hamburg, Europe
Germany - Cologne Scottish Country Dancers, Europe (new)
Germany - Erlangen, Europe (new)
- Hungary: Budapest, Europe
- Switzerland: Berne, Europe
- Switzerland: Zurich, Europe
- The Netherlands: The Hague District Branch, Europe
Japan: Kobe - Kansai White Heather Dancers, Orient (new)
- Thailand: Bangkok - Bangkok St. Andrew's Society, Orient
- Aberdeen, Scotland: Aurora, Scotland
- Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Grampian, Inverurie, Scotland, Scotland
Linlithgow, Scotland, Scotland (new)
- Lothian, Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Branch, Scotland
- Perth, Scotland: Perth and Perthshire Branch, Scotland
Peterborough (courtesy of Douglas Kean), Scotland (new)
- St. Andrew's University, Fife, Scotland, Scotland
- Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, Scotland
Arkansas: Little Rock, United States (new)
- Cal: Sacramento, United States
- Cal: San Diego, United States
- Cal: San Francisco, United States
- Cal: San Gabriel Valley, United States
- Cal: Southern Cal, United States
- DC: Washington, United States
- Florida: Tallahassee, United States
- Georgia: Atlanta, (including Stone Mountain), United States
- Georgia: Marietta, United States
Hawaii: Honolulu, United States (new)
- Illinois: Chicago, United States
- Iowa: Central Iowa Branch, United States
- Iowa: Twin Cities Branch, United States
- Louisiana; Jackson, United States
- Louisiana: Baton Rouge, United States
- Maryland: Frederick, United States
Massachusetts: Boston, United States (new)
- Minnesota: Twin Cities, United States
- Mississippi: Jackson, United States
- Missouri: Highland Mist Dancers, United States
- New Jersey: RSCDS Branch, United States
- New York: Albany, United States
- New York: Binghamton, United States
- New York: Buffalo, United States
- New York: RSCDS branch, United States
- Ohio: Cincinnati, United States
- Penn: Delaware Valley, United States
- SC: Columbia, United States
- Tennessee: Sweetwater, United States
- Texas: Austin, United States
- Texas: Dallas, United States
- Texas: Denton, United States
- Texas: Ft. Worth, United States
- Texas: Houston, United States
- Texas: San Antonio, United States
- Vermont, United States
Virginia: Charlottesville, United States (new)
- Virginia: Northern, United States
- Virginia: Richmond, United States
- Washington: Bellingham, United States
- Washington: Seattle, United States
- Wisconsin: Madison, United States
Listing compiled by Dianna
Shipman and prepared by Ian Brockbank.

Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland