Scottish Dancing Bands in England
I thought it would be good to compile a list of Scottish Dance bands, together
with descriptions and (if they are willing) contact information. So that's what
this is trying to do. Descriptions have been taken from album covers and other
material the bands themselves have provided.
I welcome details of bands anywhere
in the world. I would just ask that it be restricted to Scottish Dance Bands,
and I will not publish contact information unless I am sure that the band member
in question is happy with this.
There are the following indexes:
The bands details are arranged alphabetically:
[ A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H |
I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Numbers ]
Want to add your band to the list? Here's how.
Bands listed here are, in alphabetical order:
6 Bells Ceilidh Band, London
*Old Tyme*
*Northumbrian Ceilidh*
Angels of the North, Northumbria
*Old Tyme*
Arcadia Music
Banish Misfortune (formerly Bon Accord) Dorset, Hampshire &
Surrey - we cover most of South East and West England.
Black Velvet Band,
Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Wiltshire and Hampshire
Bracken Rigg Ceilidh band, Doncaster
Braes of Wansbeck Country Dance Band, Newcastle
Brian Lightowler, S. Manchester, Cheshire, N. Staffs
Captain Swing, Birmingham
Ceilidh Generation, London and Home Counties
The Craigellachie Band, Middlesex
Craigievar Scottish Country Dance Band, London
Hugh Ferguson and Dalriada Scottish Country Dance Band,
Bristol and the South West of England
The Danelaw BandNorth-East England
David Hall and his Band, London
Fagin's Pocket, Carlisle
The Frank Reid Scottish Dance Band, near London
Green Ginger, London
The Highlanders, London
Ian Robertson, South East England
Innistor Scottish Dance Band, West and South of London
The Invercauld Scottish Dance Band, Jersey, Channel Islands
Ivythorn, Somerset/Wiltshire/Glos/Bath/Bristol
*Barn dance*
*Scottish Themed Events*
Jigabit Ceilidh Band, East Midlands and West Midlands
*Barn dance*
Jiggerty, Bristol/Bath
Kafoozalum, West London
King Ceilidh Band Dance Band,
Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Wiltshire and Hampshire
Licence to Ceilidh, London
Liverpool Country Dance Band, Liverpool
Lochnagar Ceilidh Band, London and South East
The More the Merrier, Devon
Neil Barron, Wetherby, Yorkshire
Paddy's Whiskers, Devon, England
* Contra *
Petronella, Devon
Real to Reel Ceilidh Band, Morpeth
The Reel Blend, Didcot, Oxfordshire
Robert WhiteheadNorth-East England
Ian Robertson, South East England
Scottish Measure, Derbyshire
Scotch Mist, Kent
Mark Shaw-Brookman, Berkshire, England
*Barn Dances*
*Square Dances*
*Contra Dance*
Stradivarious, Lichfield and Derby
Strathallan, South-east England
The Tartan Trio Ceilidh Band, Manchester and Glasgow
Thrice Brewed Ceilidh Band, Carlisle
Whapweasel, Northumberland (English Ceilidh)
Robert WhiteheadNorth-East England
[ A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H |
I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W ]
Want to add your band to the list? Here's how.
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Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland